$ALBT AllianceBlock is trading at $0.0411 and is -62.14% down in the past 24h with a market cap of $18.89 M. #AllianceBlock #ALBT
KuCoin has announced that it will be closing the trading service for ALBT at 02:30:00 on February 2, 2023 (UTC). This decision has been made due to the requirements from the project team, and all trades must be completed before that time. If you have any ALBT assets, please make sure to complete any trades before the cut-off time in order to avoid any potential losses. Thank you for your understanding.

Alliance Block recently announced an incident involving several ALBT Troves on Bonq, in which an attacker gained access to around 110M ALBT. Thankfully, the incident was contained to the Troves in question and no smart contracts were breached or compromised. This is an important reminder to all ALBT holders to take extra precautions to protect their assets. Alliance Block is currently working to investigate the incident and take corrective action to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
As usual, end users are paying the hard price and $ALBT holders from KuCoin see the value falling and no possible way to resell their token